Skater FM Radio Bantimurunglocatedabout45km north ofthe city ofNapierand12kilometersfrom thecentraldistrictof Maros.The locationissurrounded bybeautifulsceneryandcoolairiseasilyaccomplishedbecause thepublic transportto and from thesiteis alwaysavailable Bantimurung Waterfallis anatural attractionsinSouthSulawesi,whichis veryfamousandmuchvisited bytourists, both domesticand international.This waterfallhas awidth ofapproximately20metershigh and15meters.The water wascrystal clearandcoolofffromthe rock intherapidsof the year Besideshavingastunningwaterfall, WaterfallBantimurungalsobe ahabitat for manyspeciesofrarebutterflies,so theDutchcolonistsoncecalledthis placeas the"KingdomofButterfly".In fact,aBritishnaturalist,AlfredRasselWallase,has livedinthis areafor approximately oneyear(1856-1857)toexamine150speciesof butterfliesthat are categorized asrare.Untilnow,visitorscanstillseethe beauty ofcolorfulbutterflieswithmanyspeciesflyingamongthe flowersandshrubsthatmeetBantimurungrock. Hasmanytouristfacilitiesareavailableinthis areaincludeGuestHouse,swimmingpool,shelters, gatesandcounters,roadtrail,officemanager,ButterflyBreeding, information center,souvenirshops,food stalls,toiletfacilities,and soforth. Touristactivitiesinthe regionBantimurung Waterfallcan becoupledalsowiththe searchactivities ofthe caveandenjoythe beautyof colorfulbutterflies
Description: Tourism in Indonesia - Bantimurung
Rating: 5
Reviewer: 1020 ulasan
Item Reviewed: Tourism in Indonesia - Bantimurung
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